Welcome to the Mims Chapel United Methodist Church blog! We hope you will enjoy reading about what is happening at Mims Chapel. Check back often for pictures and posts!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


The Drydock Mission is a work of feeding the hungry. For over eight years Mims Chapel has had a ministry of feeding the hungry on the North shore of Lake O' the Pines. Each month families that need a little help to put food on their table at the end of a pay period have been able to come to Mims Chapel UMC's Drydock to receive food staples. The ministry is staffed by volunteers from Mims Chapel UMC. The funding for food that is purchased from the East Texas Food Bank comes from local donors, both in the church and in the community. The staples that are not available through the ETFB are supplied by Northshore Baptist and Mims Chapel UMC congregations.
During the holiday season the need is greater and the funding is limited. For any one that would like to help with this need may make a contribution of can goods or 5 lb. bags of flour or even cash contributions.
Each month over fifty families are helped by this ministry, lives are touched and the hungry are fed. We ask that you would consider helping this ministry to continue.
You may contact Mims Chapel UMC at 903-755-2513.
Grace and Peace,
Richard Dowden
Pastor Mims Chapel UMC
Louise Phillips
Chair of Drydock

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