Welcome to the Mims Chapel United Methodist Church blog! We hope you will enjoy reading about what is happening at Mims Chapel. Check back often for pictures and posts!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Praise Reports and Prayer Requests were given:

Bud Barrett is in the hospital with a collapsed lung. Please keep him and Ms. Olga in your prayers as she battles cancer.

We have people who are away today and traveling, pray for their safe return.

Please remember Joan and Bobby Ramsey and Evan in the tragic car accident which happened this week. You are all in our hearts and prayers and we are your church family, ready and waiting for your call for anything we might do.

Harvey Sisk has been in the hospital with severe pnuemonia and is now home but is still not completely well. Thankfully, our oldest daughter, Jennifer is a nursing student and lives next door and she is taking really good care of him at home.

I'm sure there are many others that are in need of our prayers and support and we lift them up as well.

"By HIS stripes we ARE healed".

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